Birth of Athena

In this story, Zeus had fallen in love once more. This time he adored the titan Metis. Metis didn’t like him at all and she tried to escape from him by all means. For this she transformed into all different kind of animals, plants or shapes, but nothing worked out and Zeus could find her every time.

Finally, one day she decided to transform herself into a fly. However, this was not really a good thought and one day she got eaten by Zeus. Then, strangely, she got pregnant inside his body.

Now she was captured inside Zeus’ head and it started to hurt him intensively and to stretch. In panic, Zeus called Hephaistos, who was famous for astuteness.

He look at it quite conventional, took a axe and split the head of Zeus in two. Out of his head raised Pallas Athena fully clothed with all her weapons. She personified spirit, inspiration and intelligence, in comparison to Hephaistos who was not at all so delicate.

Athene was born from a head and in many parts of Greece people adored her much more than Zeus. In fact, if there would have ever been a battle between the gods, Athena would have been the only goddess to cause Zeus some serious trouble.