Zeus decided one day that he wanted people to offer him something, a kind of “existence tax”. He wanted to make their lives hard, and so he asked for the best meat of their animals. But Prometheus stood on the side of people and put all the good meat inside a disgusting gut in one pile, while he hid all the bones and gutters under a succulent piece of meat in another pile. Zeus was supposed to choose between the two and, of course, he took the nice one. When he realized the betrayal it was already too late. But a decision is a decision, and not even Zeus could change his mind. Therefore, from then on people should offer him only bones and gutters.
But what was people supposed to do with all these nice meat and nothing to cook it with? Prometheus took part again and stole the fire from Hephaestus to give it to the humans. When Zeus looked at the Earth and saw all the lights around, he ordered Hephaestus to take Prometheus handcuffed and abandoned him in the Caucasus. There, day after day, an eagle comes to eat his liver, which regenerates during the night to be eaten again the following day. A pretty terrible punishment…