Gods were powerful but susceptible to all human weaknesses at the same time. They controlled the fate and life of men and each one was venerated for something different. They were beautiful and had many resemblances with humans: the same appearance, the same mental and physical strengths and weaknesses. However, they could do more, much more than normal people. Depending on their mood they would help him today and her tomorrow. They were vengeful but also generous.
In the ancient time, people were making sacrifices to the gods mostly in the form of animals or valuable objects. Every activity, every social need, was related to the veneration of a god. From agriculture to science, from sport and hunting to war and love, everything had an own god to whom worship.
Among all these gods there are the eldest gods, the gods from the Olympus, and also many other smaller deities. Check the following pages and you will be able to see them from closer.