Dionysus is the god of wine and of drunkenness, a good friend of the young and the elder. As I was in school they once took us to see a theater play about the ancient gods; the actor who was playing Dionysus was so funny that I will never forget this god. But also in the society he played an important role. It is said that he is a child of
Semele and
Zeus, although his birth is a really strange story hard to imagine: during the sixth month of the pregnancy, the palace of his mother Semele burned down and she died. Then
Zeus and
Gaia saved the little embryo and Zeus raised it up in his tight. Because of this, he is also called “god of twice birth”.
After, because he had to hide of Hera, Zeus transformed him into a goat and raised him up in Asia. There he wandered around a long time. In some cities they received him friendly while in other they did not even let him pass by their city because of the fear of Hera.
Dionysus was the god of the wine but also of the vegetation and fertility of vine. He let the people escape of their routine and during his celebrations people danced, sang and, of course, drank a lot of wine.
He had always been in the company of nymphs, silenen, satyr and manaeden.