Asklepios was a quite popular hero. He was the god of heeling and the son of Apollo and Koronis (another version tells that his mother was Arsinoe) and, as many other gods, he got raised up by the centaur Chiron.
Asklepios had such a good control of the art of heeling that people said he could even resuscitate the dead. This made Zeus afraid and he killed him with his thunder. As a revenge, Apollo killed the Cyclopes.
His wife was Epione and she gave birth to two boys and five girls during their marriage. The boys were called Podalirios and Machaon and became also good doctors; from the daughters, the most known was Hygieia who together with her father got adored for mental and physical health. The further descendants of Asklepios, such as Hippokrates, also became connected with the art of heeling.
Asklepios is often shown with a stick and a snake wound around it (the snake is the sign of reincarnation), what is known as the sign of the pharmacies today.