This goddess put a big value to earn respect and punished those who didn’t showed it to her. Once for example, the daughter of Tantalus, Niobe, offended her mother Leto by saying that it was a shame to raise only two children. As a punishment she killed Niobe’s brother together with her 14 children. So people should really take care not to offend her.
Another awkward story is the one of Actaeon, the son of Aristaeus and the nymph Kyrene. Actaeon learned the art of hunting without her approval. When she found out she got so angry about it that she transformed him in a deer and set his own 50 dogs on him until they tore him into pieces.
In Ephesos there is a really famous temple in her honor that is regarded as the 9th wonder of the world because of its size and its decoration with many paints and a big altar.