Every hundred years the kites lay a colored egg, from which hatches a bird somewhat larger than a hen, very similar to a magpie, with a half black and half white body, which lives fifty years. When it dies it hatches a green worm that slowly transforms into the cock of death. It is black and has a white crest, with blue and red spots. His song is like a howl and appears at dawn at the top of the oaks and launches into the air with his wailing cry. The person who has the misfortune to hear the song of the evil rooster will die the next day, when the stars go down. Even today, when the crowing of the rooster is heard in the middle of the field, some people ask that it is not the rooster of death, since there is no known remedy. Although it is said that there are some blue herbs with black roots, which are born from early April to mid-May and must be cooked with rosemary, but no one has ever found them.
Mercedes Cano Herrera. (2007). Entre anjanas y duendes : mitología tradicional ibérica. Castilla Ediciones.