He described him the situation in the court and, together with some allies that they still had in the island, they draw a plan to get rid of the suitors. Odysseus disguised himself as a beggar and went to see Penelope. He arrived there just on time to listen the last condition she was setting for her admirers. That man who could tighten the bow of Odysseus and shoot through 17 axes with it, that man could marry her. Of course, she was sure that none of them would manage to do it. And so one after the other tried to tighten the bow, but none of them succeeded.
But then the beggar asked if he could try just one time. All the men laughed at him and let him try. He took the bow, rubbed it with fat, let it war a little over the fire, placed an arrow, and shot through the 17 axes. While they were still in a shock, Odysseus took a second arrow and shot the leader of the suitors, Antinos, straight in his neck. With the third arrow he shot Eurymachos directly in his heart. Soon all his friends jumped into action and started a started what it became an indescribable blood-bath. The maids that had guided the suitors were hung at the doors.
After this, Odysseus uncovered his face to Penelope that they embraced each other. After 20 years of abstinence and many tests from the Gods, Odysseus return closed a passionate story of hope and love.