Helios is the god of the sun, one of the oldest gods and son of the Titans Hyperion and Theia. His sisters and brothers were Eos (eye) and Okeanos. Many of his children were famous, as for example the sorceress Kirke or Pasiphae, the wife of the King of Crete Minos.
Helios is described as a beauty with gold hairs and a shining around his head. He had a fire trailer pulled by horses along the horizon. These god saw everything and often he was a source of evidence for good and bad actions. He exposed a lot and gave many information for unwitting people.
The famous giant of Rhodes is one of the ancient seven wonders of the world and should describe Helios pretty well. Its legs were on every side of the entrance of the harbor and it was so huge that all kind of boats could pass through. They say that Helios married Rhodes, and that’s why the inhabitants of Rhodes adored him a lot.