Rhea gave birth to: Hestia, the goddess of the oven and the house rules, she became later on the caretaker of the Olympus. Demeter the goddess of the fertile earth, with tuft of wheat in her hands, Hera, protector of the marriage, Hades the god of the underworld, Poseidon, the god of the sea and last but not least Zeus.
Cronus knew the prophecy, and ate immediately after their birth all his children. As Rhea was again pregnant this time with Zeus she escaped to Crete in the mountains. Here she gave birth to Zeus and entrusted him to a Goat that took care of Zeus, gave him food and milk. Also Zeus was protected by the Kuerten small gods in form of noise, moos or rustle. They all promised to take care of him. Instead she gave Cronus a stone wrapped in a cloth and in his illusion he didn’t recognize the deception. .