She was the goddess of love and lovers. She liked to make people fall in love and also to confuse the other gods.
The goddess was married to the god Hephaestus, but she had affairs quite often mostly with Ares, the god of war. The god of the sun Helios managed to prove this and told it to Hephaestus. After this, Hephaestus caught them one day red-handed and captured them with a thin net that he had hidden above the bed.
Out of her relation with Ares were born Eros (there is also another versions about the parents of Eros), Deimos, Phobus and Harmonia. Aphrodite had also many other love affairs, as for instance with the beautiful Adonis.
She adores roses and myrtles and drives a carriage dragged by doves, which were her favorite animals.